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Understanding Sensitive Tags in Numbers Station

The "sensitive" tag in our platform allows data experts to identify which dimensions, metrics, and questions may contain PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and therefore should be handled with caution.

This feature is particularly useful when a Numbers Station client deploys analytic agents to their customer organizations while retaining the same underlying schema, knowledge layer, and verified questions. In this scenario, it is essential to identify organization-specific information within the knowledge layer and question library, so it can be tailored for each organization before deployment.

What makes a dimension or metric sensitive?

A dimension or metric is considered sensitive when at least one of the following conditions is true:

  • The data expert marks the dimension or metric as sensitive.

  • The dimension is derived from a "sensitive" dimension (unless explicitly marked as not sensitive by the data expert).

  • The metric is derived from a "sensitive" dimension, and its definition contains a literal value (unless explicitly marked as not sensitive by the data expert).

What makes a question sensitive?

  • When a data expert marks a question as sensitive

  • When a question contains a sensitive metric

  • When a question contains a sensitive dimension as a filter